
photoExcerpts from the Daily Cycle of The Book of Blessings

Handwashing Before the Meal

Washing the hands, we call to mind
the holiness of body.
Blessing in Hebrew


Blessing Before the Meal

Let us bless the source of life
that brings forth bread from the earth.
Blessing in Hebrew
Read the commentary on this blessing


Blessing After the Meal

Let us acknowledge the source of life,
source of all nourishment.

May we protect the bountiful earth
that it may continue to sustain us,

and let us seek sustenance
for all who dwell in the world.
Blessing in Hebrew
Read the commentary on this blessing


Morning Blessing

The breath of my life
will bless,

the cells of my being

in gratitude,
Blessing in Hebrew


Blessing Before Going to Sleep

Sleep descending
on my lids,
on my limbs,

I call to mind
the gifts
of the day--

the gift
of this day--
and give thanks.
Blessing in Hebrew


© Marcia Lee Falk.